Complex boolean search tools
Complex boolean search tools

complex boolean search tools

How To Make a Super Targeted Linkedin Boolean Search? Linkedin RecruiterĮxactly like Sales Navigator, you can use boolean search on Linkedin Recruiter in the: You can also use boolean search in the School, Current Company and Past Company fields. That is to say all the experience with the “ Present” tag You can also use boolean search to look into past job titles. The Current job title search will only look for your keywords into the current job experiences of your prospects? The global keyword search will look for the keyword into the whole profile: Same thing for using boolean search on Sales Navigator.

complex boolean search tools

It’s for sure a way for them to make you buy Sales Navigator. It’s weird as Linkedin says there are not able to handle your request. If you try add more than 1 expression between quotes you will see this message: However Linkedin basic search is not able to handle quotes. Keyword filter will look into specific fields whereas the general search bar will look into the whole profile: On Linkedin basic search, boolean search operators can be used on: In each of this search engine, the boolean search can be used on: You can use Linkedin boolean search in 3 different places: If you want to do a complex search, you can combine terms and modifiers.įor example Marketing AND (B2B OR B2C) This will look for profile containing: Once you click, the button will appear in red and the exclusion will work exactly like if you had put a NOT boolean operator 5. I can do the same thing by adding another keyword and clicking on the exclusion button If I change it to CEO NOT Assistant, you can see that I exclude 1000 leads from the search. Here I added the keyword “CEO” in the title filter Director NOT Executive NOT VP NOT “Vice President”.Your search results will exclude any profile containing that term. If you want to exclude a particular term from your search, type that term with NOT before it. “Vice President” OR “vp” OR “V.P.” OR “SVP” OR “EVP”.OR is most often used to search for alternate spellings, or for terms that mean the same thing. If you want to broaden your search to find profiles that include one or more terms, you can separate those terms with OR. If you enter two terms without quotes, the search engine will assume there is an AND between them: 3. If you want to search for profiles that include two or more terms, you can separate those terms with AND. Now, you can see clearly the difference between adding and forgetting the quotes.

complex boolean search tools

However, if I add quotes around “sales manager”, the results will exactly fit what you are looking for. You see that there are some search results that are not relevant in the screenshot above. If you don’t add the quotes to sales manager, Linkedin will look for “sales AND manager“ If you are look for an expression of several words, enclose the phrase in quotation marks. Quotes allow to search for an exact phrase or terms that include: There are 5 linkedin boolean search operators you can use to refine your searches: It uses a combination of logical connectors (AND, OR, NOT) and punctuations (parentheses and quotes) and can be used on all the different Linkedin search engines (Basic, Sales Navigator, Recruiter). LinkedIn Boolean search helps you narrow or expand your keyword searches to help you find the profiles you are looking for.

Complex boolean search tools